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You can review photos of current and recent 'Kootz'-performances on our Facebook page:

Please 'Friend'-us at: Glenn 'Kootz' Taylor, or click:

Dr. Dave Pics "Kootz-Karicatures" Kootleg Concert

"On the set of 'Ready, Steady, KOOT!'... actually 'twas a private affair!"   "Hangin' backstage at NYC's Irridium Cafe with the 'legendary' Mr. Les Paul!"
"Live at Delmonico's... This comedy duo deserves a rim-shot!"   "Another comedy team; Bob & Ray? Nope, 'Smooth' Robbie-P & Ray, 'mixin' it up!"
"The band gathers to promote the 'healthful-benefits' of the Kootz-Bar!"   "The devoted fans, try again (UN-successfully)... to 'stump' the band!"
"Halloween at Emerald Point; Now... just WHAT did 'OZ' give to the 'Tin Man'?"   "Glenny-T gets 'CARRIE'd away... Even HIS head was chopped off; OWW!"
"Bobby Cianci; 'Kootz-Trading-Kard' #11!"   "Peter Scance, on BASS!... Just for the record(s)!"
"The 'Doublemint Twins'?... We think not! It's Glenny-T & Breet... sporting their 'Birds', " Fire" and "Thunder"!!!"   "An All-Star 'Kast O' Kootz'... "LIVE"... from The Liberty Tavern in Union!"
"Takin' a 'peace and love' break, with Ray, Pete and Bobby-C!"   "The 'New-Koot-on-the-block'... Terry Wetmore.... 'poundin'-&-wailin'... at
The Crab's Claw in Lavallette!"

You can review photos of current and recent 'Kootz'-performances on our Facebook page:

Please 'Friend'-us at: Glenn 'Kootz' Taylor, or click:

Dr. Dave Pics "Kootz-Karicatures" Kootleg Concert